Dear Trojans - Look to find the  ADD YOUR INFO button and submit your information.  Be sure to send an email or call all of our classmates and encouage them to do the same.  

We are going to keep the website up, hopefully for years.  Be sure to come back and update your info, especially your email address.

So, remember to share with all of your old classmates as you run in to them.


PS  Be careful what you say in your comments, this is on the Internet…

Forgot password


Stephen Abington

Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Self Employed

Daniel J. Adams II

Now photo
Marital status: Single again Children: 1
Occupation: District Fire Chief/BRFD
I retire from the BRFD in February 2008 and 1st responder state coordinator for Louisiana Spirit Hurricane Recovery for DHH.  Stayed in Baton Rouge and never moved though I had oportunities.  I have one daughter 24 and 2 grandchildren.  Looks like I'm single again!  Pooh pooh happens.  :-)  I've been involved with burn survivor children for 5 years and the curator for the BRFD Fire museum.  Just got my first motorcycle( guess its something like a midlife crisis).  :-)  It will great to see everyone and hope everyone is healthy and happy.  See you there.

Donice Alford

Then photo
Now photo
Marital status: Single again Children: 2
Occupation: Legal Assistant
WOW!! This is GREAT!!  Following Katrina I ended up in Nashville...but family is still back home...I've been divorced for 9 years now, 2 grown boys and loving LIFE!  It's been tough getting back on my feet since the storm blew through, but I'm getting there; I am SO anxious to see everyone...and HOPE to make it back for this long-awaited event!! Angie? Missy? Pacesetter/Highlighter uniforms anyone?? :::laffing:::

Valerie Altazin (Lamm)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Adapted Physical Education Program Specialist for EBR Parish school system
Life has been great! I travel as often as I can, which is not often enough. I have been married to the same wonderful man for the past 23 years. We have two boys. Ryan, age 20, who was born 4 weeks before our 10 year reunion, is in school pursuing a degree in Entertainment Technology. I'm not sure what that will get you, but if he can get me close to Tom Selleck it works for me.Paul, age 17, is a senior at TARA, playing football and the bass in the orchestra.  Kelley, my step-daughter, age 27, lives in NYC and works with the Bowery Ballroom. So we try and get to New York once a year. All three are great kids, fun, lovable and creative. But most of all put up with us as parents.Keith, my husband is a perpetual student, who loves to travel. He got me hooked on traveling way back in 84 on our first trip to Europe. Now he is talking about buying property in southern Italy. I am still teaching after 26 years. I can't believe I have done the same thing for 26 years.
 Anyway Class of 77 we look great!!Let’s stay in touch; BR is not that big of a place.

Tammy Anderson (LaBorde)

Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: retired teacher
Hi everyone.  I can't wait to see the class of 77 this June.  I am married to a wonderful man,Mike, and we have two sons, Josh,21yrs, and Jordan, 16yrs.I taught 8th grade language arts for 22 years and just retired this past year.  It's great to be at home.I have a lot of respect for all the teachers we had at Tara and Westdale.  Kids can be HELL!!Thanks to everyone who put this reunion together! I know it was a lot of work. 

Emmet Arsenaux

Marital status: Divorced Children: 1
Occupation: Retail Dept. Manager

Kim Baker (Cox )

Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Environmental Professional
It is so interesting reading what you Trojans have been up to in the past 30 years! I am especially happy for all of you with successful, productive, responsible children! In fact, I’d like to borrow Kathy Trahan’s for our next Cox family reunion! Mine are successful too….successful at putting us on the Sheriff Department’s speed dial list!
Can I share with you a few things I’ve learned, particularly the last 5 years?
v     I’ve learned how to save money on cell phones: instead of buying your kids cell phones, just get a police scanner, that way you can keep up with all the important things going on in their lives.
v     Go ahead and put hinges on their windows, it saves time and money later.
v     Never plan your teen’s birthday party unless you’re sure they won’t be interrogated by BR Homicide that day.
v     How to have a happy 26 year marriage?  Stress induced memory loss. It’s like waking up with a new man every day!
To be perfectly honest, our oldest has been a joy. No problems. Eagle Scout, owns his own business, will be a junior at LSU in the fall.  The middle one is the one that got creative on us, maybe we should have asked Philip Lewis to mentor her, (sure couldn’t have hurt) and the jury is still out on our youngest. He is in summer school at Tara. By the way, I think he found Steve Decell’s roach clip. Thanks alot Steve!
Anyway I’m looking forward to seeing all of you again, but cocktail attire? Are you kidding me? Do you know what it’s like dressing a giant Koosh Ball in cocktail attire? How about Margarita Attire? Ole?
 I will be worse than all of you at remembering names, (thank goodness all of my husbands have been named Steve Baker!) but please come talk to me, tell me a wild story & that I was there with you. I’d love that. I’ll be the Roly Poly in dressy black tennis shoes, (can you say Plantar Faciitis?) and something that I hope will pass as cocktail attire.
Oh two other things I’d like to tell you that I learned.
One, you really do run out of tears, but you better not stop laughing.
And two, God’s grace is always sufficient for today!

Gregory Barbay (A)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Sr. Research Technologist @ Dow Chemical

Eddie Bergeron (J.)

Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 7
Occupation: American Airlines instructor/ Aircraft Maintenance
My wife sherri and I have raised 7 children. I have 4, my wife Sherri has 3. We both had full custody, and we got along better than the Brady bunch. Sherri is a elementary special education teacher, and I work for American Airlines as an Aircraft Maintenance instructor. We hope to make the trip and enjoy the fellowship with old friends.

bret besson

Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: process operator at honeywell