Guest Book
Don't forget to go to the Classmates Page and "ADD YOUR INFO". 


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Doug Benoit
Posted on the 2017-05-01 at 20:00
40 years!?Really!?Can you hear me now?Looking forward to filling in the blanks on the 13th!
Kathy Halphen
Posted on the 2014-03-30 at 20:00
Wow! Where did all the time go to? Class of '77
Frank Harter
Posted on the 2014-03-11 at 20:00
Class of "77
Tracy Blocker
Posted on the 2012-04-30 at 20:00
When and where? 
Steve Decell ( Dr. McDreamy )
Posted on the 2012-04-27 at 20:00
WOW!!! What a weekend! Thanks to the reunion committee for all your hard work. We appreciate all of you. .............  It is now a verified fact that the women of THS have definitely aged with grace much better than us men. No surprise there. By the way, the thing I\'m most grateful for from the weekend is a new mantra I learned that I\'m going to start using every time I order a drink at any bar..." Just put it on Mike Truitt\'s tab! "...Let\'s keep in touch and keep remembering. It helps keep alzheimers at bay. When I think of my Jr. High and High School years, I always remember the first sentence from the book, A Tale of Two Cities..." It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. " This weekend was definitely part of the best of times!
buckner harris
Posted on the 2010-01-13 at 19:00
shoot,seems I always miss these events,would like to see some of you again.
Patti Chauvin Lesage
Posted on the 2009-11-02 at 19:00
 Some of us are getting together for a Westdale reunion at Boudreau and Thibodeaux's Sat. Nov. 7. This is short notice, but come by during happy hour 5-7. Hope to see you there.
Patricia Oliver
Posted on the 2009-09-10 at 20:00
Hey - what happened to the 32nd Trojan class reunion ?????   Did anybody meet in Perdido?
 Is there anybody out there listening? :)
Does anybody want to make a plan for year 33?
If so, let's get planning.
Hope everyone is doing well.
John & Jodi Higdon
Posted on the 2008-06-23 at 20:00
Had a great time. Thanks Patricia. Lets party down next year again. This time I bring the ear plugs.
Patricia Oliver
Posted on the 2008-06-15 at 20:00

Thanks to the 20 or so Trojans and spouses/friends who showed up at Phil Brady's for the 31st reunion of the Class of '77.  Glad to visit with everyone.  Here's the list of those who made it  (class names only - I can't remember the married names!)
GALS:  Angie DiBenedetto; Melanie Blanchard; Karen Johnson, Debra Butler, Karen Odom, Missy Beysselance, Allyson Calkins, Barbara Calkins, Valerie Lamm, Jodi Bologna, Patti Chauvin, Debbie Fagot, Donna Mizell, Patricia Oliver, and Donna Termini (class of '76).
GUYS:  Gary Ourso, Jeff Smith, Brett Smith, Greg Dial, Greg Barbay, Timmy Smith; and John Higdon.
Sorry if I missed anyone - let me know. We had hoped for a bigger turnout, but there is always next year and by the way, there's a request for June 20, 2009 as the next reunion date - same place, same time!.    SEE YOU THERE!  Thanks, Patricia Oliver

Debbie Fagot
Posted on the 2008-06-15 at 20:00
I enjoyed seeing everyone Saturday. Who ever picked the band did a great job, they captured the '70's music perfectly! Looking forward to doing it again next year. Thanks for setting everything up Patricia! :-)
Patricia Oliver
Posted on the 2008-06-15 at 20:00
The band is "Bonefrog" - I chose them after good recommendations from Phil Brady's staff and also good newspaper reviews. I used Mike Truitt's credit card to pay the band!!!!!! Thanks MIKEY!!! :)  
(PS - I also added a BIGGGGGG  tip)!
Next year's date: June 20, 2009 !
Posted on the 2008-06-14 at 20:00
Hey, it was great seeing some of you...but we missed all the No-Shows!! Shoulda seen the girls burning up the pool tables! ;)  

Next year...write it on y'alls' calendars!
kayren odom marquette
Posted on the 2008-06-09 at 20:00
coming in for a long weekend. meeting up with the gang. were going to go to phil bradys for a little while sat. night. hope to see all of you there.
Posted on the 2008-06-01 at 20:00
Hey is this internet thing on. Can you hear me now?
Posted on the 2008-04-16 at 20:00

Thanks Mike, James and his band played Saturday night at Phil Brad's,  Thanks for the limo.  Mary
Will be there on  JUNE 14, 2008. See everyone there.  bye for now

Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2008-04-13 at 20:00
Here's to our reformed padre Steve D./
Was lost for awhile, but the light he did see./
Yes he's turned in his collars,/
Now stuffing g-strings with dollars,/
And enjoying a life of excess and debauchery
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2008-04-13 at 20:00
Sorry I missed Phil Brady's Saturday.  Speaking of excess & debauchery, I was on a golfing & gambling boondoggle at Dancing Rabbit Resort in beautiful downtown Philadelphia, MS!

I hope they told you I left my card number for you guys to use Saturday night.  What was the final bill?  Did I leave a good tip?
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2008-04-13 at 20:00
Silly me.  I don't know where I got the idea the event was this past weekend!  I swear I was good boy this weekend!  :-)
Posted on the 2008-04-10 at 20:00
Is Truitt buying the drinks again?
Steve Decell
Posted on the 2008-04-10 at 20:00
There was a young boy named Truitt,
who didn't quite know how to do it.
Then he met a young Franklin
who gave him a spanklin,
and now he can trust his intuit.

P.S. Yes, Debbie, oops I mean Debra, just remember the mantra: " Put it on Mike Truitt's tab! "
Laura Krese
Posted on the 2008-04-09 at 20:00
Sorry I can't make the June 14 reunion.  I just spent a week in La. helping my mom.  Maybe next year.
Missy Beysselance
Posted on the 2007-07-02 at 20:00
It was so great seeing everyone and catching up with a lot of you - I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time talking to more people! I updated my info on the classmates page, and I hope the rest of you who did not provide full disclosure before will go back and fill in the blanks! Drop me a line if you're gonna be in DC and we'll do lunch.
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-07-01 at 20:00
This is how sloppy drunk Steve is ALL the time. I called him exactly ZERO times during the reunion. Eric called him three times. Even I remember that! Debra, the drive home Sunday was challenging, to say the least. Shoulda sprung for the limo ride home to Houston!
Tammy LaBorde-Anderson
Posted on the 2007-06-30 at 20:00
What a great Time!! who says we are getting older? Mike, you were a perfect gentlemen..... Here's How I see it...on the 10th we were having families; on the 20th we were trying to impress others; on the 30th we didn't give a s---!!! Thanks to everyone for putting this reunion together. I love you all
Posted on the 2007-06-30 at 20:00
Posted on the 2007-06-27 at 20:00
If we're going to Mexico, I'm gonna learn to surf. Old bones meet cold surf/ Muscles ache and beg for rest/ Pina Colada. Any other gluttons for punishment?
Posted on the 2007-06-27 at 20:00
I'm right with ya Missy.
Laura Krese
Posted on the 2007-06-26 at 20:00
It was good seeing so many of you at the reunion. The time went by too fast. I am looking forward to the 50th birthday reunion wherever that takes us. Some of you suggested that I indeed "dye". One of you suggested that I need to eat a cheeseburger. (I got a kick out of that one. You know who you are.) Had a great time. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to put it all together. Mike I was one of the people you spilled a drink on. You are forgiven. I know it must have weighed heavily on you. Sandy thanks for holding my hand. Eric, thanks for the dance. And it was good to gather with all of the Our Lady of Mercy former students who faced the same wrath from the Salesian nuns. 20 years off purgatory. We are bonded forever.
tim smith
Posted on the 2007-06-26 at 20:00
Identity Theft?// Must I find myself before// I can be stolen
Steve Abington
Posted on the 2007-06-26 at 20:00
Somebody tell me the whole story, How sloppy drunk was Truitt, he called me three times during the re-union and I never understood a word he said? Steve
Laura Krese
Posted on the 2007-06-26 at 20:00
Oh I think I get it./ Truit drinking/Truit drunk/ Unable to hold his liquor. / Is that right, Joe?
Sharon Simmons Gautreau
Posted on the 2007-06-25 at 20:00
Mike, Much to our disappointment you refrained from an overabundance of alcohol - otherwise there may have been a "thrilling" thong sighting!
Marty Fulmer Ducote
Posted on the 2007-06-25 at 20:00
Tenth? Who's moving up. // Twenty? What we've all achieved. // Thirty? We're alive.
Joe D
Posted on the 2007-06-25 at 20:00
I feel terribly responsible for getting many of you hooked on haiku. You are all very creative, but just fyi I'm starting a 12-step group to kick the habit. "My name is Joe D. / And I've been clean crap! / Off wagon again!"
Posted on the 2007-06-25 at 20:00
no need to apologize, joe. we're all haiku and poetry junkies from way back. and fyi--interventions are quite useless. No chip was accrued// In 12-step laird for haikued// Dragon unsubdued
Debbie Fagot Roussel
Posted on the 2007-06-25 at 20:00
FYI: For everything you ever wanted to know about Haiku (HI-coo) go to this web site:
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-25 at 20:00
A Limerick guy / was I. Until now I fear / Bite me Joe Dawson
alaine dibenedetto
Posted on the 2007-06-24 at 20:00
saw many young face// memory gone—names misplaced// recall skill lose race//
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-24 at 20:00
Me too Sharon. Good thing I stopped at 2 or 3 drinks, like you! :-)
Posted on the 2007-06-24 at 20:00
Mike, you are absolutely right. Banking involves alot of math. That is why a have a computer and calculater. I also delegate which solves the problem. Later
Jodie Darby Suire
Posted on the 2007-06-23 at 20:00
O.K. it's my turn...I've been reading the comments which have turned into blogs for some of you. Joe and Mike should use the phone or let the rest of us in on your inside jokes. About the cabana boys...I believe Debra said Steve was on that list. No speedos please. When the girls celebrate 50 will the boys look 60? I plan on being there so don't lose my email address. Many thanks to the reunion committee for the hard work and dedication to this. I'm only a little more than an hour away and don't seem to get to BR but once a year. I want to come again soon to visit and meet up with you again. Maybe another bar night since I missed this one. Any takers? I hear Mike's picking up the tab. Anyway...Missy, Nita, Sandy, Terry, Patti, Laura, Debra, Tammy, Kathy...I missed you. Did I forget anyone? And...Steve, Scotty, Bret, Forrest, Perry, David, Mike, Joe and all the rest of you were as funny as you were thirty years ago. Loved the laughs. One last thing. As an English teacher I should probably add a haiku. I need to reflect on that one. Joe's the master. Keep in touch. See some of you soon! Jodie
John and Jodi Higdon
Posted on the 2007-06-23 at 20:00
Jodi and I had a fantastic time. It was really great seeing all of you. It really strange, everyone seemed to age except me. Well maybe it was too much vodka and not enough vermoth. Cant wait to see everyone on the next trip. Lets do it in mexico. If Jodi will let me, I want to sign up for the cabana boy school, Brian, no speedo's. Lets stay in touch.
Sharon Simmons Gautreau
Posted on the 2007-06-23 at 20:00
I updated my classmates page so check it out for more info about my family. I was unable to attend the reunion on Saturday night, but I had a great time gathering with "old" friends Friday night at Louisiana Lagniappe and Phil Brady's! However, after only 2 or 3 cocktails, I was ready to throw up! I'm such a whimp! I'm so over the days of shooting tequilla and downing slammers! Kids! I blame it on the Kids! Anyway! it was great seeing everyone and I am making plans now to attend the 50th birthday trip with the girls and of course the Cabana Boys! keep in touch - ALL!
Angie DB Ledbetter
Posted on the 2007-06-22 at 20:00
May I join the reunion haiku gang? ;o) Everyone looked great// Their inner beauty blossomed// Over three decades.
Tim Smith
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
major props to the committee,thanks for all your hard work. On a more serious note, if anyone is in need of a Cabana Boy, they should use a professional. I have been going to Cabana Boy U for almost two days now and have learned sooo much. Proper fanning techniques, oil vs lotion, water sports, it's been fascinating. Well gotta get my rest now, tomorow we are learning how to make the perfect Pina Colada. Yummy.
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
You know Haikus & Limericks make more sense when the medium you write in recognizes the "Enter" key and actually starts a new line. Oh well. Guess I'll add them to my "Profile' on the Classmates page. Laides, don't be fooled by Cabana Boy pretenders from some bogus online CBU, like Timmy Smith. You only have to remember two words, "Multiple, Guaranteed" You can buy a Pina Colado from any bartender, but...... Well you get my drift. Brian, speedos are old school, buddy. I'm thinking thong! Ewwww!
Joe Dawson
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
I've always dreamt of being lauded in verse, even if it's somewhat embelished and a little inaccurate. I think we were headed to 2001, but that would be a tough rhyme. That's why I like haikus, and this one's for you, Mike: Michael S. Truitt / the "tequila-shooting kid" / don't step in vomit.
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
How about one for Sandy Haydel Beysselance: Sandy Haydel B. / I've been round and round with you / Remember the ditch?
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
Don't forget Mary Torregrossa Posey: Mr. Lovely's Girl / Mary's a Bank V.P. now / Doesn't that involve math? Steve Lilly should remember 9th Grade Algebra at Valley Park, "PROCEED Lilly!" :-)
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
Joe, I blame you for this.
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
Speaking of math, I can't count to five! :-) Joe would say "so you want to be an engineer, huh?" Try this instead for Mary T. P. : Mr. Lovely's Girl / Mary's a Bank V.P. now / Does that involve math?
Joe Dawson
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
My Dear Grasshopper / Have you not learned this by now? / Look within for blame
Joe Dawson
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
Mike, we might not get invited to the next one.
Joe Dawson
Posted on the 2007-06-21 at 20:00
Young Master Truitt / Why don't you use telephone? / Is this a slow night?
Mike Truitt
Posted on the 2007-06-20 at 20:00
Well, I had BIG TIME seeing all you knuckleheads again. I concur that most of our beautiful Delta Ladies of Tara are even more beautiful today, and that our Reunion Committee did a bang up job. In my defense, I may have been a tad overserved on Friday. To all those upon which I spilled a drink, I apologize, but I was at least delivering. If I said or did anything overly offensive, again I apologize, unless it was something that may possibly get me laid in the future. It was quite fun. I was telling Debra Butler that old friends are the best friends. You don't have to explain yourself to them. They just know. To Steve and all of you, as far as I'm concerned, the drinks are on me whenever we are together. For all the laughter, good times, and memories I have received from y'all, it's a small price to pay. I love you guys! To Joe Dawson, a Haiku and a Limerick: You will always be our Tenth Avenue dick head. Indisputably! To Joe Dawson its always been said A better friend has never been made He'll leave you drunk on the floor And walk right out the door To go to Rosie's and try to get laid And finally to the ladies who plan to celebrate their 50th in Mexico, I officially put my name in the hat for the position of Cabana Boy. Remember: Guaranteed "Multiple"!
Brian Root
Posted on the 2007-06-20 at 20:00
Mike - when Patrica showed up in her Pacetter uniform, I joked about showing up in my old Speedo. Not going to happen. But if you go as their Cabana Boy, I will buy you a new Speedo to wear on one condition; I never see a picture of it.
Posted on the 2007-06-19 at 20:00
If anyone wants any of the pictures I took, just email me at and I'll send you the jpeg instead of buying it from Picasa.
Sigmund Morel
Posted on the 2007-06-19 at 20:00
I agree. The reunion committee did a great job. Thank you for your hard work. Now back to the present -- reality. The next few months should be busy! A wedding (Staci and I will be married June 30), college (possibly 4 kids in 3 different schools), housing (I own 2 homes and have to try to combine 2 into one) and the everyday headaches of work and life in general. It was great to step back in time and see so many friendly, familiar faces. I felt like I had to re-aquaint myself to people I've known my entire life. I hope we can keep in touch so we don't have to be re-aquainted again. I agree with Steve, some of YOU have not aged much (mostly the ladies); whereas, some of US have. Sorry guys, we're just old and ugly compared to the ladies in the class of '77. Also, I would like to offer my free (your LA state taxes pay my salary) services to the THS Class of '77. I work for the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance helping students gain access to higher education. If you have a student in college or preparing to go to college and need assistance funding their education, please call me. I will do whatever I can to help. If you have questions about state programs like TOPS, START Savings, LEAP, Rockefeller Wildlife Scholarship or student loans, please call or email me at 225.922.1404 or I'm already looking forward to the next reunion. Hope to see everyone soon! Sigmund
Patricia Oliver
Posted on the 2007-06-19 at 20:00
So good to see everyone ! It was definitely a lot of fun, laughs, hugs and friends. Just know that the Pacesetter uniform is going back in the box in the attic for it's next "nap"! Hopefully, it won't be another 10 years before it gets awakened again. The committee met last night and it seems that we will be have a casual gathering next June on Father's Day weekend. More info will be posted on the web site, so visit it often. If anyone does find a lost classmate, please encourage them to post their contact info on the web site so that we can find more people in the future. The pics at the "photo albums" section are great - make sure to click on the large square to get into that album. Keep in touch! PAO
Joe Dawson
Posted on the 2007-06-19 at 20:00
Why didn't we do this 30 years ago? We had a great time. Thanks to the gang that put this together...y'all did a fantastic job. Truitt, Nancy and I are going bar-hopping this to join us?
Betty Barrett Richard
Posted on the 2007-06-18 at 20:00
I agree with the others! The reunion committee did a great job! I enjoyed seeing everyone and had a great time. There are so many others that were not at the reunion and would like to try and find them (if they want to be found). Any suggestions on how to go about it?
Jeff Smith
Posted on the 2007-06-18 at 20:00
Had a wonderful time. It was great seeing everyone. I have uploaded Three albums to Picasa 10 year reunion 30 Year reunion and Phil Brady's If I ever find the photo's from the School along with my 20 year reunion pictures I will upload them as well. CUL8tr
J D Smith
Posted on the 2007-06-18 at 20:00
Hey Brian I think I forgot the Link for the Photo's any way here it is If you have trouble please let me know Jeff
Posted on the 2007-06-18 at 20:00
Just so you know, outside of our events, the fiasco nature of my trip continued. Sunday morning began with me doing some spastic driving in a parking lot and denting a guy's fender and breaking the tail light on my rental car. (Never drive after two nights of partying.) Then I got trapped in the sequel to "The Terminal," playing the role of the person living at the BR airport. The first leg of my flight left 4 hours late, getting me into Dallas at midnight, missing my connection. The lovely people at American Airlines put me up, not at the hotel at the airport, but at the "Bedford Holiday Inn." The shuttle to that charming establishment was an hour late, and the half-hour drive each way really cut into my sleeping time. So after three hours of sleep, I was dragged back to the airport. There I was greeted by a full pat-down and luggage search. I guess they figured the bad treatment by the airlines might have turned me into a terrorist overnight . . . . The icing on the cake was getting home to Virginia and finding the keys to the rental car in my purse. (I suppose Hertz will just put that on my tab.) SO - I hope that proves my devotion to the THS Class of '77. (Next time someone needs to be my keeper . . . ) Much love -
Valerie Lamm Altazin
Posted on the 2007-06-18 at 20:00
What a great weekend!! Thanks reunion committee for a great weekend. It was fun seeing you all. And I'm really glad ya'll remembered your cameras, so I can see everybody I missed in person. Let's not wait another 10 years guys. Keep in touch.
angie DB ledbetter
Posted on the 2007-06-17 at 20:00
Boy, that was a blast! I have some really really great pictures from Friday and Saturday nights...if I can figure out how to post them somewhere and then send a link. We gotta make an annual date to meet somewhere, like second Fri/Sat of June and definitely need to plan a 35th and get a committee together.
Donice Alford
Posted on the 2007-06-17 at 20:00
WOW! What a TURNOUT! Kudos to the Reunion Committee! Hated to miss out on the Pre-Party festivities...but was just too tired from the drive in from N'ville...did anyone get a picture of Patricia in the Pacesetter uniform??? I want PROOF it does still exist!!! ::laffin:: it was great to see the "left overs" at Rick-n-Robins afterwards...hope everyone keeps in touch and here's hoping this website remains up and running!! what a GREAT way to communicate!
Paul Poplin
Posted on the 2007-06-17 at 20:00
Thanks to all who worked to put together a really nice event. Obviously a lot of effort went into tracking down the missing Trojans. Great work by the reunion committee. And thanks to Phil Lewis for the last minute (well last week anyway) reminder. It was great to see everyone. I can't believe I was the only band nerd there. (Carson / Waddelow I hope you see this) We had such a great time, I'm sorry I missed the 10yr & 20yr. I suppose there's always the 40yr where we'll all be talking about grandkids by then.
Scotty Porta
Posted on the 2007-06-17 at 20:00
I just wanted to thank the reunion committee and everyone else who had a hand in making the reunion such a great success. Your hard work was truly appreciated.
Posted on the 2007-06-16 at 20:00
Thanks everybody - it was a blast! Take care and keep in touch. Much love -
Rita Brumfield Fugler
Posted on the 2007-06-16 at 20:00
Thanks to everyone who planned the reunion. You guys did a great job. It was so nice seeing everyone again.
Bunny Pratt
Posted on the 2007-06-15 at 20:00
I hope everyone has a wonderful time tonight. Please be careful. I wish I could be there. This is a great way to keep in touch with old friends and since we have the technology we should. Take Care Everyone.
Donice Alford
Posted on the 2007-06-12 at 20:00
well...I GOT my TICKETS!!! :-) ...I'm gonna TRY to get down in time for Phil Brady's, but if not, will see everyone Saturday night! Pulled out my year books too! :-)
Phil Lewis
Posted on the 2007-06-12 at 20:00
Holy shiznit ! Now I can cross one more off the list of a "thousand things to do before I die" . Oh,I really am looking foward to seeing EVERYBODY! Please don't take my bio seriously , I was just trying to be funny ,you know like that Tim Smith dude. But really Cheers
Steve Lilly
Posted on the 2007-06-11 at 20:00
Wish I could be there. Although I did not graduate from Tara, I have always considered Tara my High School. After graduating from LSU (1981), I've been out about in the Air Force for 26 years--it's been a real blast. I would love to be there and share stories, but the timing isn't working out. Have a great time, I'll be thinking of you all. Steve Steve
Jodie Darby Suire
Posted on the 2007-06-04 at 20:00
Can't believe the reunion is almost here! I have been digging through pics and have a few of my own. I wonder who I could put up there???...Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing so many of you. I know we'll all look the same. :) Jodie
Donice Alford
Posted on the 2007-06-04 at 20:00
WOW!! this is GREAT! I am SO looking forward to this event!! I'll be driving in from N'ville, so won't make the pre-party, but you can bet your pacesetter shoes I'll see everyone at the Reunion event!! is anyone else bringing year books??? ;-) My pacesetter uniform go figure...I guess I'll be stuck in "civilian attire" ::laffs:: I DO hope this stays up and running even AFTER this event in order to stay in touch with everyone and to locate others that have been out-of-touch!
kayren odom marquette
Posted on the 2007-06-03 at 20:00
Hey class of '77. It will be great to see everyone after all these years. Some of you I haven't seen since graduation. Thanks Barbara for contacting me. Pretty clever how you went about it. I hope I'm not the only one that's gotten old. See you at the party!
debbie fagot roussel
Posted on the 2007-05-30 at 20:00
I look forward to seeing everybody at the reunion! ...and Reminder, don't forget about the Pre-Reunion Party: June 15, 2007 7:30 PM Phil Brady's Bar & Grill 4848 Government Street Baton Rouge
angie dibenedetto ledbetter
Posted on the 2007-05-29 at 20:00
Allyson Calkins Eckman
Posted on the 2007-05-23 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing everyone if you have not purchased a ticket/tickets please go online and get your tickets today. We will miss each of you if you miss this 30 year REUNION, can you believe it has been 30 years. It is going to be FUN!!:) Allyson
Bret Fairchild
Posted on the 2007-05-21 at 20:00
Great website, looking forward to the reunion. Brenda you better bring Randy.
Wanda Taylor Martin
Posted on the 2007-05-20 at 20:00
My husband and I are going to try to come to the reunion this yr if possible
Patricia Oliver
Posted on the 2007-05-20 at 20:00
Hey everyone - so good to be "catching up" a little with everyone. We've been working hard to put together a great event weekend. Please pass the word to anyone you think we may not have yet located - it's been difficult finding classmates this time! We need your help! See you all soon! It will be a lot of fun! PAO
Sigmund Morel
Posted on the 2007-05-16 at 20:00
Hey Everyone! Great website! It's wonderful to see what "OLD" friends are doing. I'm anxious to "catch up" at the reunion! Hope to see everyone there!
Stacy Pray Loyacono
Posted on the 2007-05-16 at 20:00
Ok, I finally remembered to buy tickets ( I suffer from CRS) .This reunion should be very interesting. Great job on the website Brian !!
Laura Kleinpeter
Posted on the 2007-05-14 at 20:00
Thank you to all who are responsible for putting this together. Does anyone know where Karen Heil is?
Missy Beysselance
Posted on the 2007-05-14 at 20:00
Hey, Brenda - Tell Randy he'd better be there - it wouldn't be the same without him! I just bought my ticket to the event, so I guess I'll be there . . . better get a plane ticket! Later -
Betty Barrett Richard
Posted on the 2007-05-13 at 20:00
This is getting exciting! At the first reunion (I don't remember much about the last one), awards were given out for Traveled Farthest, Most Kids, etc. What? This time will it be Fewest Wrinkles, Most Grandkids, Least Likely to Wear Depends, Has All Their Own Teeth... Thanks Brian for putting this together. I know it was a lot of work! Thanks for the reminder to buy tickets too! I forgot...But now I'm good.
Sylvia Green
Posted on the 2007-05-10 at 20:00
Hello Tara Trojans - Class of 1977. 30 years...WHEW! It seems like yesterday.
Hal Pilcher
Posted on the 2007-05-08 at 20:00
This sounds like a fun party. Thanks to the ones involved putting this together. I look forward to seeing everyone.
john snellings
Posted on the 2007-05-06 at 20:00
Hello everyone!
Tammy Scott Honore
Posted on the 2007-05-06 at 20:00
I'm glad I stumbled upon this many memories
Posted on the 2007-05-03 at 20:00
Bunny Pratt
Posted on the 2007-04-30 at 20:00
Does anybody else have wrinkles and grey hair?
Carla Cadenhead Boba
Posted on the 2007-04-30 at 20:00
Hope to see everyone at the reunion. Send an email, it would be great to hear from others.
Bunny Pratt
Posted on the 2007-04-30 at 20:00
Please email, I'd love to hear from people involved in a wonderful time in my life.
randall luker
Posted on the 2007-04-27 at 20:00
hey everybody please e-mail ,it would be great to here from you
Sharon Simmons Gautreau
Posted on the 2007-04-16 at 20:00
Thanks so much to the Reunion Committee! Love the website! A special thanks to Debbie Fagot Roussel for the lovely photo she sent in of me in the photo album. My 15 year old daughter asked me if I had a mullet, I said no, just a bad hair day! I am searching through my old photos of Debbie for the perfect picture to post!!!! Can't wait to see everyone!
Shirley Ming Weidner
Posted on the 2007-04-16 at 20:00
Janet Huff Kelly
Posted on the 2007-04-16 at 20:00
Looking forward to the reunion!
Patti Chauvin Lesage
Posted on the 2007-04-14 at 20:00
Thanks to the reunion committee for your efforts in pulling this event together. Thanks to Barbara Calkins Ruiz for tracking me down and inviting me for a slumber party during the reunion weekend to do some "catching up" with everyone. Time to buy my plane ticket!
John Young
Posted on the 2007-04-12 at 20:00
Danny Adams
Posted on the 2007-03-31 at 20:00
Hi Everyone! Though I went to Tara only my last year and by way of BRHS. I have not been able to attend any reunions and am looking forward to being at this one.
Posted on the 2007-03-22 at 20:00
Look forward to seeing everyone there.
Brenda Milliken
Posted on the 2007-03-05 at 19:00
This site is a Great Idea! Hope everyone jots a note in the guest book for all to read. Big Brother Randy wants to know if he can come the Class of '77 reunion. Shall we invite him?
Kim Thompson (Miller)
Posted on the 2007-03-04 at 19:00
Should be interesting to see everyone after 30 years
Angie DiBenedetto Ledbetter
Posted on the 2007-02-07 at 19:00
Brian -- Looks fantastic! Thanks for putting this together so we can all get in touch and stay in touch. Angie